If Your Business Website Isn’t Responsive You’re Losing Money
You probably don’t need anyone to tell you that more and more people have started to access the internet using their smartphone more than they would via desktop. In recent years mobile has become the number one way of accessing the internet and the percentage of this only looks like it will increase further.
Due to the popularity and convenience of smartphones, developers have long been looking at ways to make web access better for mobile users. This includes the development of apps for most of the big brands and even many of the smaller ones. An app provides a quick and easy way to complete tasks like online banking.
Most businesses also have a website but many of them are still not responsive, meaning that mobile users and people accessing through tablets for example will struggle to navigate around the site. If a user can’t find what they need on a website then they will soon become frustrated and leave it, so you will be missing out on a large amount of customers if your website isn’t responsive.
If you are looking to set up a responsive site, you can look for a WordPress theme that suits your requirements as most of them are automatically set up to be responsive. As well as turning potential customers away from your business, having a website that is not mobile friendly will also affect the way that Google ranks your website, so you won’t be as high up in the search rankings as you could be with a responsive website. The guys at Top 10 Website Hosting have summarised this nicely.
Whilst you might think that getting a new website set up could be costly, what you really need to ask is can you afford not to have a responsive website if more and more people are using mobile devices to access the internet?

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