Simple Tactics To Make More Money From Your Blog

Boosting earnings from your blog

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If you own a blog, you are in good company. Millions of people around the world enjoy blogging as a pastime, and some even make a considerable amount of money from it. But herein lies the problem. With so many people blogging, how are you going to cut through the noise? And how can you get yourself a bigger slice of the pie when it comes to earning from your online platform?

There are some stark truths, I’m afraid. Only one in ten bloggers earns more than £25,000 a year from their online channels. And almost seven from ten earn less than £3,000 per annum. So for anyone looking to replace their current job with a blogging career, it can be incredibly tough. There are, however, a few things you can do if you want to start making more. Here are some smart ways to increase your earning potential and start making more money from your blog.

Be passionate

First of all, be passionate about what you do. You can’t start blogging purely to make money - people will see through you and drop you like a hot potato. So, if you aren’t writing about topics you genuinely love already, it’s time to make a change.

Switch to an underserved niche

There are blogs out there about every subject under the sun. But there aren’t great blogs about every topic - which is where you come in. Look at your passions and then work out a niche for your blog that few people or the mainstream media cover. For example, let’s say you love cycling. There are thousands of cycling blogs of all varieties, so it’s going to be difficult to get heard. Instead, you might blog about cycling in forests, cycling for fitness, or even bicycle modifications. All of a sudden you will appeal to a more niche audience and cut the amount of competition in one fell swoop.

Focus on quality

If you are filling your blog with mediocre posts and banal, useless stories, it’s also time to make a change. Focus on quality over quantity, and take a time to research your subject in a thorough manner. Make sure you are filling a gap, too. Don’t rewrite the same tired old posts on topics everyone else has visited. Be different and challenge the norm. Cover subjects that no one else will dare to.

Invest in online marketing services

Once you start getting visitors, make sure you blog is working harder for you. An SEO expert will be able to find ways of driving more quality traffic to your site. But once they are there, you need to take advantage. Conversion optimisation services might help convert more of your visitors into customers or subscribers. Finally, don’t forget to invest in a little online marketing in your own time, too. Connect with other bloggers in your industry and you will start to see much better, more focused results.

Invest in blogging as a profession

Finally, if you want to make more money out of blogging, you have to see it as a business. You need to invest in your training, different advertising platforms, and many different resources. Without investment, no blog will be fortunate enough to earn a real income. Let me know your thoughts or suggestions in the comments section below!

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