Marketing Tips And Tricks That Can Help Your Small Business

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It’s very easy to slip into a marketing rut with your small business. Many entrepreneurs find a method they like and stick with it. However, that isn’t going to help your company. To keep on succeeding and finding more clients and customers, you need to continually update your marketing strategy. But that doesn’t mean a complete overhaul. There are some tips and tricks that can make a big difference without a whole lot of effort. Read on to find out more.

Publish Shareable Content

Do you have a company blog? If not, why ever not?! A blog offers you a great platform which you can post shareable content to. And the more shareable a blog post is, the more likely it is to go viral. Once something has gone viral, that’s it! You’ve hit the big time! But what exactly does going viral mean? It’s just when content gets shared a lot. This is great for your business, as your name will travel with the content. It could end up going far and wide!

Print Literature

In today’s online world, many people often forget about traditional marketing means. Such as pamphlets and posters. However, they are still as relevant today as they were twenty years ago. It’s just now; they have been slightly updated to fit into the 21st Century. Take the Alpha Card for example. It’s a leaflet that folds in different ways, which can really intrigue the reader. And if the reader is intrigued, they’ll want to keep reading and find out more!

Take Your Marketing To YouTube

Not a tech company? That’s no longer an excuse to stay away from YouTube! The great thing about using YouTube is that it gives you the chance to make whatever kind of video suits your company. If you work in catering and hospitality, you could post some cookery videos. The list of options is endless! And don’t be put off because you don’t have up-to-date video equipment. The current smartphones have excellent cameras that you will be able to shoot a high-quality video on.

Online Competitions

Your social media accounts are the perfect places from which to run an online competition. No doubt you will have already seen some from other companies in your personal account. The whole idea is to try and get as many people to share your posts as possible. One of your followers who shared the post will then win a prize. Ok, so you may have to buy them a prize. But look at the other side of it – your company will have been spread throughout Facebook or Twitter!

Don’t Try Too Hard

Do you follow a company who is a bit overzealous in their online marketing? It can be a bit off-putting, right? So don’t be that company. Don’t push too hard on social media. But at the same time, don’t be too relaxed. Make sure you post once a day, and that each post is fresh content.

I bet you never realised marketing could be this easy!

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